Thursday, May 19, 2016

Some Ramblings on Why I Don’t Use Powerpoint (much) in Teaching

I tend to be rather vocal against use of powerpoint for teaching. More accurately, I am a vocal critic of how powerpoint tends to be used in teaching. Let me provide a bit of context to understand how these view may have developed.

I went through my post-secondary schooling at an interesting transitionary period in instructional practice. The first time I viewed a powerpoint presentation—or even had heard of the software—was in 1996 as a first year college student at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. I remember it clearly because I found it to be so bizarre. It was in a first-year speech course, and a student used powerpoint to display visual aids for his speech on pesticide use in Central Valley farms. Classrooms were not equipped with projectors, and even portable projection carts were hard to come by, so he held up his laptop with its tiny mid-90s screen and showed us the slides. Meanwhile, my speech on the medicinal benefits of marijuana consisted of clippings from High Times mounted on posterboard, accented by fading Crayola markers.

As I continued through my schooling powerpoint made a sporadic, but still quite rare, appearance in the classroom. It was mostly used to project images, in courses on art, art history, landscape architecture, archaeology, etc., as powerpoint was a clear advance over the photographic slideshows on which I grew up. It really was not until I took a biological psychology course at San Francisco State University in 2001 that I experienced a professor using powerpoint as the basis of the lecture itself. The slides were filled with text, almost all verbatim from the assigned textbook, and the instructor mostly read from the slides when delivering the lecture, occasionally deviating to inject a small aside—but then, back to the slides. I greatly enjoyed the content of that course, but man, did I hate being a student in it.  I spent the entire class session furiously copying down the slides into my notes, always panicked that the professor would advance the slide before I got down all of the material[1]. Class was also incredibly dull, because I was listening to what I was reading to what I was writing. Not good.

Seemingly overnight[2] nearly everyone was using powerpoint  to drive their teaching practice. No longer was it an aid, providing visuals to compliment the lecture, but it had become the lecture. I was confused, because I felt like I was witnessing teaching and higher education getting worse right before my eyes. For many years, from middle school through college, I had numerous teachers who captivated my attention, sparked my imagination, and challenged my thinking, and none of them used powerpoint. Indeed, the purpose of this “coming of age” story is not to provide a “good old days” account of what schooling was like for me in the very recent past. Not at all. Rather, the purpose is to highlight the fact that I know, from a good deal of experience, that powerpoint is not necessary for teaching well, and that powerpoint can even impede quality teaching. While some may quibble with the latter statement, the fact that the former even needs to be stated at all—let alone italicized—is a reflection of how far we have come.

My strong views on this issue became even more entrenched when I began teaching myself. My teaching mentor, Dr. Tom Spencer at San Francisco State University, was a lauded lecturer on campus. Despite his course being incredibly difficult, students loved taking it because he was a master lecturer and, accordingly, they felt like they learned so much. And he never used powerpoint. This is a notable feat, because he taught until 2010 and never used powerpoint, while by that time virtually everyone used powerpoint. Students still loved his class. They still gave him a standing ovation at the end of the semester. I served as his teaching assistant for two years, attending every class, giving many guest lectures. I observed closely and tried to pick up as much as I could.

When it came time to begin teaching my own courses, I decided to follow Dr. Spencer’s model. It just seemed like the proper approach to teaching for me[3]. Some years later, I still don’t use powerpoint much at all when I teach. It can be very useful for displaying graphs or complex figures, but my slides almost never consist only of text. I definitely use powerpoint more now than when I first started teaching[4], but again, it is a very limited use. Over time, I have come to endorse the following set of reasons why limited use of powerpoint is optimal. You may not agree with some (or any) of them, but perhaps they will help you to reflect on why you use powerpoint and what purpose you see the slides serving in the context of your educational objectives.

Flexibility. Hands down, number one reason to not use powerpoint: it is like an educational straight-jacket. You are almost entirely committed to the linear order of presentation that you determined prior to the beginning of class. This takes away all of your options. I think of good teaching as consisting of a large amount of improvisation. You should go into a class session prepared to cut material, move things around, add in some stuff if need be.  Ideally, you make all of these changes without the students even knowing. This is virtually impossible to do when using powerpoint. They will notice that you skipped some slides, and they will wonder about that. Not ideal. Being a flexible teacher can have beneficial carryover: I have been forced to begin both a job talk and conference presentation without my slides due to technical problems. In both cases I received high praise (and even some astonishment) that I was able to give the talk without the slides. Imagine that, talking about my work without powerpoint!

Pacing. One of the challenges of using powerpoint is that it can involve a lot of waiting. You put a slide up, and the students feel the need to copy down its contents. If you advance before students are finished with their copying, you might hear about it from them. When using the whiteboard, you align your pacing with your students’ pacing. As you write on the board, so to do they write in their notes. Everyone is working on the same pace, and there is much less waiting. It also gets you moving your body more. 

Movement. Relying heavily on powerpoint keeps you close to the podium, when you really need to be moving around. Using a slide-advancing doohickey can solve this problem pretty well, however. Move your body!

Deeper processing (potentially). Copying down material from slides onto notes is a form of shallow processing that does not serve the students well. It might help them locate and memorize content for an exam, but it does not facilitate actual learning. Deeper processing, in which students take notes in their own words, is much more beneficial.

Expectations. Instructors need to get away from the mindset that there is content they must cover or “get through.” To be sure, powerpoint cannot be entirely blamed for this problem, but the rigidity of the format seems to promote it. It is best to have modest goals for what your students should learn in each class meeting. “Getting through” loads of material might make you feel better, but what about the students? They do not benefit from this approach. At all.

Students are thankful. Over the years, I have received many “thank you for not using powerpoint” comments but I have never received a “I wish you used powerpoint” comment. Not one. Students expect powerpoint, and perhaps some instructors feel like students demand it, but if you are a quality teacher, they will appreciate that above all else.  

A single principle I suggest when creating powerpoints slides: always seek to replace text with an image, figure, diagram, etc. It can almost always be done, and almost always should be done. Ask yourself: how can I present this information in a non-text-based format?

Finally, above else, you should take the time to reflect on what you are actually doing. Why are you using powerpoint the way you are? How does it link with your teaching philosophy and goals for students? Is it serving you and the students in the best way possible? In fact, is it serving you, or is it controlling you?

[1] Which, as noted, was all in the book. Undergraduates can often be irrational, even those who become professors.
[2] But of course, not really, because that is not how change happens
[3] I do acknowledge, begrudgingly, that perhaps this approach is not a good fit for everyone.
[4] Mostly because it is much easier to flip it on and off in the middle of class, to switch from board to screen and back again. A few years ago this was pretty much out of the question.

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